Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Melting Crayon Art

Melting crayon projects have become very popular over the last year. There are many different ways that one can melt crayons onto a canvas board to make a unique and beautiful design.

This was the first version of the melting crayon project I had ever seen and made one last year. I also made this simple project with the kids I was nannying for during the summer. I helped them glue on the crayons, but they did all of the melting.

But now I am seeing versions that appeal to be "more complex" or "sophisticated". It is the same process, just adding letters or a picture to the board. (and not glueing the actual crayons to the board or melting them entirely so you can no longer see them.)

These colorful canvas boards would make a great addition to any room. I think they would be great in a  child's bedroom or even in a bathroom. I currently have mine hanging in my bedroom!


1. Blank canvas board (any size)
2. Crayons
3. Hot glue gun
4. Blow dryer
5. Optional: Cut out words or stickers to use on the board or to remove later so that an area appears white where the cutout was placed


1. Arrange the crayons that you want to use on the blank canvas board (point facing down)
2. Use a hot glue gun to glue the crayons onto the canvas
3.  Time to melt! Use a blow dryer (on high) while holding your board up at an angle so the wax runs down the canvas. Try to stay towards the top to avoid splattering (Tip: Layout newspaper or something that can catch the extra wax while melting). Be patient! It takes a few minutes for the wax to warm up and start dripping. But once it starts, then it will continuously drip.
4. Once you think your design is finished and you are happy with the result, let it dry

Enjoy playing around with the different varieties involved with this project! After all, this is artwork, so there is no way to mess it up!

1 comment:

  1. Really awesome - thanks for posting that - am looking forward to playing and creating stuff as great as yours!

    Does the wax melt if the sun shines on it while it is up on the wall in a bedroom?
